Monday, April 15, 2013

T-minus 7 Weeks

My my has time flown! Strange to think that about eight months ago Himself and I were staring at that little blue line with a mixture of disbelief, excitement and (yes, I'll admit it) even a little trepidation.

The simple fact of the matter is that we had every intention of getting the family ball rolling in 2012, we just hadn't quite planned on it being that early. In our ideal world, we would have started trying in September, not calling up OB doctors to confirm a home test. But, life and mother nature had other plans for us and frankly, we're ok with that.

It took Himself a while to get on board the baby train to speak the truth; and I can't blame him one bit. Becoming a parent is a big responsibility. Having a person be completely dependent on you for the necessities of living for the next eighteen or more years? If that doesn't make your heart stop a little then, my friend, you are not ready for that level of commitment. The whole of my first Trimester and even well into my second, Himself was (to put it bluntly) scared out of his wits. I can't blame him, really and there was so little for him to attach to at that point. It took quite some time before my baby bump sprang up and the first six months of the pregnancy I had my head in the toilet every few hours. (Hyperemesis Gravidarum is no picnic my darlings. Even a mild case like mine which only required one trip to the emergency room....) I was tired all the time, and when I wasn't tired, I was nauseous. I couldn't work, I barely ate, and every time I moved my head even the slightest amount, the room wouldn't stop spinning.

 Himself, poor lad, couldn't understand how awful I was feeling and how impossible it was for me to not be pinned to the couch and clinging for dear life until the world stopped moving. It wasn't until (several months in to the pregnancy, mind you) my anti-nausea medication that never really fully worked and I had a particularly bad bout with vomiting that I simply could not take feeling so miserable all the time anymore and called up my doctor. I looked fine and cheerful enough but my lab results were no good. I was dehydrated, almost dangerously so, and got shipped off to the ER for fluids and a stronger medication.

This was his wake up call. For the first time he realized I wasn't simply feeling yucky and tired, but something was seriously not normal about by morning sickness routine. Thankfully, the new medication turned me human again and I was able to at least get back to a normal routine of housework. Not long after (and quite suddenly, if I do say so) my bump popped out and I finally looked the part. Himself and I got to finally see our little one via Ultrasound and that "it" was in fact, a "he." It was barely weeks later that our baby boy was making his presence known not just to me, but to Daddy as well as flutters turned into faint little kicks.

And thus came the real turning point. Once Himself saw the black and white photo of the little thing he helped create, once he felt the life twist and move and bump under his hand, he was hooked. Sure, he teared up months before hand hearing the little heartbeat, but nothing sank in and melted his heart quite like seeing and feeling the son growing inside me.

So, here we are with less than two months to go before we meet our little Alexander and we've done a full role reversal. Himself is practically dancing for joy and dreaming wonderful dreams of life with baby and I am chewing my nails to the quick with worry over every minute detail of parenthood.

Strange how that works, isn't it?


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