Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Does This Baby Make Me Look Fat?

6 weeks to go!

Himself and I had our 34 week doctor's visit yesterday and everything is still right down the perfect line. Little Alex is active and strong (so much so that I haven't slept more than two hours each night while he has a little dance party in my belly) and measuring a tad on the bigger side of normal. Which also means my baby bump is about an inch larger than usual and my weight is about five pounds higher than average. However, the good doctor assures me that the weight is all baby and I'm inclined to agree as the general public are shocked when the find out I am eight months preggers rather than the 6 months they would have guessed by my size. And many have commented that upon looking at my frame straight on from front or back, one could hardly tell I was carrying at all!

I can't say I'm terribly surprised as all the men in on both side of the family tree are taller than average and were a little on the hefty side as infants. Let's just say if I end up pushing out a ten pounder, it won't be a shock.

With D-day fast approaching, Himself and I have started shopping for all the necessities from Little Alex's care. So far, I am having mixed feelings on this activity. I thoroughly enjoy looking at all the adorable gadgets and doo-dads and furniture that fill the stores but the price tags are incredulous. Shopping for a baby on a tight budget is certainly not as much fun as it should be! However, I am finding a few resources (thank you Pintrest, Craigslist, and Freecycle) to help ease the burden. In fact, I now have a few new craft projects to work on for Alex including cloth diapers, diaper covers, and a sling baby carrier. With luck, I have enough fabric already in my stash to have a good lot of items for no cost. And let's be honest, my lovelies, who doesn't love free?

I will post up my progress as it happens both in the crafting world and Little Alexander's check-ups.

Until next time!


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