Wednesday, November 5, 2014
NaNoWriMoh My God That's a Lot of Words....
So, It's November. Around these parts that means National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo for short). The quick version is that it's a challenge to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. No small task. There's no major prize except the ability to say "I wrote a novel last month" and an Internet badge but, hey, that's still pretty amazing. Friends of mine have participated for a couple years now and I decided to jump on the band wagon. Except I'm cheating a little bit. Instead of novel I'm challenging myself to write a blog post every day. I might not post them up every time but I have to write a complete post every day and total fifty thousand words by the end of the month. Sure it's not the exact challenge but the spirit is the same, right? In the process of all this, it got me really looking at this Blog and I realized I have hardly any useful information in here. Most of my posts are simply a recap of what's been happening in my life which is not at all what I intended. I doubt even my family finds such things terribly interesting. So, I shall try my darnedest to only write about useful information. You know, the actual methods and how-to steps of running a modern household with old school techniques . . . like I created this Blog to do in the first place!
That being the case, what you do, my dear readers (assuming someone other than me is reading this thing) want to know about? Do you want recipes for home cooked meals? Or perhaps a how to on making your own bath products? Do you need to know how to treat issues of illnesses and injuries without lab created goods? Do you want reviews of products? What else would you like to see here? Let me know!
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Mama, I'm Coming Home
The interesting part of all of this is that we have moved in with my parents and plan to live here until we have our nest egg back. (Or until I lose my sanity, whichever comes first.) It's really nice to have extra hands taking care of Baby Alex who isn't so much a baby anymore but a toddler with oodles of energy. It's so shocking to see how much can be done by the little one with no help from us. He feeds himself most of the time (often getting quite upset if we try to help) and has become quite a chatter box. He uses a mish-mash of English, Baby babble, and America Sign Language.
Many people are surprised that he knows ASL and are confused at best as to why a non-deaf child would be taught Sign Language. The short answer is that it it makes my life simpler. ASL provides a way for Baby A to communicate with me for words he simply doesn't have the finesse for. This provides less frustration on both our parts and a heck of a lot less tears. Honestly, it really wasn't that hard for either of us to learn. Mostly we just use basic words for everyday life with a baby: diaper, milk, bath, eat, more, all done, help, up, down, and please. Once he picks one up, we introduce another one a few days later and link them up so he can connect the meaning and not simply mimic the action. He picked up "please" first (such good manners from the start!) and to that we added "more". Then once he had the motion for "more" down we linked the two so he could ask for "more, please." After that, we taught him "all done" so he could signal that he was through with feeding time. Then it was "eat" so he could ask for food when he was hungry. Then "milk" for when he was thirsty. "Diaper" and "bath" got grouped with "milk" for the bedtime ritual. "Up" came from after sleeping and wanting out of his crib and "down" was after that. "Help" is the newest addition and "kiss" is currently being worked on. If I ever figure out how to add video in here I may post up examples but for now, I must feed the little one before he gets hangry.
In the mean time, do any of you do ASL with your young ones? Share your experiences, I'd love to hear them!
Thursday, May 22, 2014
2014? When did that happen?
Well, in a week and a half we will be having Baby A's first birthday.
I can't believe that we survived it intact.
And by intact I mean that we are all still breathing, still eating, and have a roof over our heads. Everything else ends up being secondary. Baby A has turned out to be more of a handful than we ever imagined.
Thank goodness for the Internet. Advice, knowledge, and support right at my fingertips. It has been a life saver. . . or at least a sanity saver.
I'm still hoping that Baby A will settle into himself as he gets older and I can start getting myself back. Or at least a few hours of time to do something I love other than taking care of Baby A.
But first, cleaning needs to get done. I have a whole list of spring cleaning that needs to happen and it's almost summer!